Saturday, April 10, 2010

daily obsession #2

i was still trying desperately to unhook myself from yesterday's obsession, as i scrolled through a google search history that eerily resembled haiku, when i got hit by a bus. don't worry, one didn't literally hit me, but rather arrived by way of synapse and parked itself right in my universe. as a thought that sticks itself to your brain like an adhesive bandage that must be removed very gently in future, once you have attained full recovery.

my daily infection, or rather obsession as we shall so gingerly call it here, has been threatening to overcome me for some weeks now. i have resisted as long as i can, and so as a lifelong advocate of peace, i shall just throw my hands up in the air as i wave the white flag of surrender: oh LOVE BUS how i love you.

one of my favorite guilty pastimes is daydreaming, in case you haven't attuned yourself to that behavioral pattern of mine in just two posts... and one of my all-to-frequent daydreams of late is of myself, with a silk scarf tied up in my hair, my jackie o sunglasses on and 2.5 barefoot hippy children in the back of my fully-restored, 1969 volkswagen bus. i would use it for running errands and just tooting around town, as snowflake (my 2008 jetta) sat jealously in the carport, wondering when she would get some action, too.

i told my husband point blank that the closest i ever intended to get to a mini van, was my glorious little (they really are tiny) LOVE BUS. preferably one in complimenting shades of robin's egg blue or sunshine yellow with cream.

my day dream took a serendipitous turn towards reality, as i was driving past the produce market near my house, when i saw IT. a darling little yellow and cream love bus, lovingly restored and complete with a hula girl on the dash. yes, a HULA GIRL. if you know me, then you know that i can't help but to interpret that fact as a clear indication from the universe that this bus was meant for ME. i was trying in vain not to drool all over my pristine little bus when it's current owner walked out of the produce stand wearing (i swear to all that is holy) a tie dye t-shirt with a peace sign on the front.

now i realize, that the love bus represents more than merely just a form of vehicular transportation, but rather, is symbolic of an entire lifestyle. one in which i can only hope to ascend beyond the level of poseur within the tightly ranked echelons of its cult following. but, what does a girl have if not for her dreams? so, i was riding high in my bubble between daydream and the real world, when i asked him how much for his bus (MY bus). his reply: twenty-one-five.

POP! there went my bubble and boy did it hurt when i hit the ground. now every time i drive by the produce market, i still struggle to stifle a small twinge of desire in my heart. but i hold on to hope that one day.... one day, i'll have my bus. then i'll be the grooviest soccer mom on the block.

while you're just hanging out here, why not go one click further and check out Catch the Bus, a company in almogordo, new mexico, who's team of love bus lovers is dedicated to restoring all makes and models of volkswagen buses to their formerly cherry state. thankfully for these folks, it's that much easier for people like to me to bug out and pretend that we have been transported back to a much more boss era in time.

au revoir & peace out,

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