Friday, April 9, 2010

daily obsession #1

this picture is so perfecto because it contains two of my favorite things: birds and trees. birds are one of my all time favs and if you saw my house you would have no choice but to bear witness to the marriage of two of my undying loves, birds and pottery barn. i could go on and on about all the loves i carry around in my suitcase heart, but this post is about today's obsession (yes, i have a new one daily): CHERRY BLOSSOM TREES.

it's cherry blossom season again, except sadly for me, not in florida. so i will just have to make due with admiring and adoring photos of cherry blossoms, cherry blossom artwork, clothes with patterns and prints of cherry blossoms, cherry blossom tea, cherry blossom tarts and best of all... cherry blossom fragrance. my daily obsession inspired me to whip out my b&bw cherry blossom shower wash and body cream this morning, which i religiously slathered over every inch of my body... and i must say, i smell glorious. people who come within 5 feet of me today should probably thank me for making their world smell so much better. it's the scent that literally epitomizes spring and it can't help but uplift you.

spring is my second fav season, closely lead by fall, but i would be willing to bet that if i were to go to japan right this very second and witness the glory of cherry blossom season in the first person, spring would leap as gracefully as a fawn into the lead spot in my heart. the thought of cherry blossom season in japan makes me want to kick off my shoes and walk through the perfectly-kept gardens as i sip my tea and breathe in the heavenly aroma. but since i can't be there today, in honor of my daily obsession, i will continue my daydreaming about springtime in japan, my over-indulgence in all-things cherry blossom and the shamelessly frequent sniffing of myself, since i smell so dang good. maybe i will even go for some sushi later.

while you're tooting around on the web, why don't you check out some of the AMAZING handmade cherry blossom goods on etsy, here. sadly, this baby was not for sale (i checked) but just one look at her in her little cherry blossom cap makes me feel as happy as she looks. i hope it makes you happy, too.

au revoir & happy spring!

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